Community Hub Proposal: Women Leaders in Web3

This would be an incredible opportunity to close the gender gap in web3. Latin American woman are a powerhouse, Great proposal!


It’s been a year since we started hosting these events, and the number of womxn and non-binary builders in the space has grown by leaps and bounds!

We’re so excited to see what happens next, but it’s important to keep creating spaces like this one where inclusivity, awareness and community can flourish.

Great job and looking forward to seeing everyone at Devcon…


Thank you BluDAO for taking the lead on a program designed especially to support the feminine. The ambiance, topics and tempo of this day’s events all feel entirely balanced for our sensibility. I want to see this happen!

ParadigmStates has some open source facilitation guides specifically tailored to help web3 contributors open up and share their experiences and grow their empathy for each other. :point_down:

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To encourage more women to join web3, we need these spaces that build a future full of women in Blockchain. Latam needs these initiatives to continue enhance their talents!!

Hi there,

We would like to thank you again for putting together this proposal!

With this post, I’d like to inform you that your proposal was chosen for this year’s Devcon Community Space! :tada:

What’s next?

  1. In order to confirm the commitment from your side we would like to ask you to submit a DIP in our DIP repository. This is for us to keep track of all community initiatives and will also show your Community Hub in the DIPs section of the website (Contribute — Devcon Bogotá, Oct 11 → 14).
  2. We will work together with our production team to get you the exact dimensions of the space and other production details.
  3. We will get back to you on details of your envisioned program and will try to support you with feedback as best as we can to help you bring a great experience to Devcon!

Again, thank you for showing initiative to contribute to the experience and we can’t wait to see your Community Hub come alive at Devcon Bogotá!

Have a great day,

Franziska & the Devcon team


Hi Franziska,

Thank you so much to you and your team for accepting us! We are very excited and starting to plan and organize. We will submit the DIP soon.

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Hey again @franzihei & team,

We have created DIP-24 as a pull request in the repository. You can check it out here:

Please review and let us know next steps!

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Awesome thank you! I just sent you an email with all production details. :slight_smile:

Spectaculos impact is comming What a great project, uniting different communities for DevCon !