Counterbalancing Devcon's Carbon Emissions


We are eager to support Devcon in its offsetting initiatives by enabling the funding of proven nature restoration projects. This support extends to both organizational efforts and empowering all attendees to actively contribute.


  • Devcon as a Catalyst for Nature Restoration: Contribute to combating climate change and biodiversity loss.
  • Real-World Assets (RWA) Application: Concrete use-case demonstrating the impact that the Blockchain community can generate.
  • Enhanced Attendee Experience: Create meaningful engagements for attendees before, during, and after the event.

Carbonable in Short:

Carbonable’s mission is to empower individuals and organizations to transform environmental commitments into verifiable actions. We streamline and secure carbon offsetting strategies, enabling teams and people to achieve their nature-positive goals and provide proof of their achievements.

Powered by blockchain technology, Carbonable is the offset co-pilot for companies such as Orange, Starkware or Pierre-Fabre, and has partnered with events like Ethcc and Starkcity, among others. We are also the preferred ReFi choice for thousands of users.

I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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Sounds interesting - can you provide more details?

Hi Guillaume, I am very interested to connect about this. We have some ideas that i think you will find interesting. can we have a quick chat?

@ligi @Jan_Stockhausen, apologies for the delayed response; I’ve missed the notifications.

In short, here’s how we could leverage our open-source stack in the context of the event(s):

  1. Project Selection: With the help of our international partners, we select the most promising nature regeneration projects based on their carbon sequestration capacity and co-benefits. The community can then choose which projects they want Devcon to support.
  2. Tokenized Projects: We tokenize the selected projects by dividing them into financeable shares represented as Semi-Fungible Tokens (SFTs). This approach makes funding accessible to any budget, ensuring transparency and traceability for Devcon and individual attendees.
  3. Tokenized Carbon Credits: Funders receive tokenized carbon credits that reflect their shares in the project, ensuring both high integrity and liquidity.
  4. Advanced Monitoring: We utilize technology, including satellite imagery and AI, for advanced monitoring and tracking, providing personalized impact reports throughout the project’s lifetime.
  5. Dashboarding If you wish to support several projects over the years, we offer a comprehensive portfolio management dashboarding tool .

Additionally, our protocol is open-source, and we have a developer partnership with Starknet to continue developing it in an open-source manner.

I’d be very happy to discuss this in more detail with each of you. A video call is likely the most appropriate way. Can you please select a time slot in my calendar here: 30 Min Meeting | Guillaume Leti |

Looking forward to it!