DEV - ROOTS || an opportunity to show who we are

Hi everyone, I allow myself to share the complete proposal on DEV-ROOTS, taking into account all the recommendations and feedback received by the entire team, thank you all very much for your contributions, we will make DEV-ROOTS something memorable for DEVCON :unicorn:

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Thank you for this!

You can find the DIP format and a checklist here, so you can see what is required to put in the proposal.

I would like to loop in @ligi to explain how to submit the Github proposal. Can you guide a little bit here, Ligi? That would be great.

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Yea - I can assist on getting the proposal to github - just let me know your questions. Or you can also just create it here (in the same style of the others on github) and I submit it for you.

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GM @ligi , thank u so much, i think that second option would be great, i’m gonna create the text and I will share it shortly

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Hi @ligi , here is the information according to the guide, I am not sure what the DIP number would be, I am attentive to any concern, recommendation or requirement you have, and I really thank you for helping me

DIP: (i’m not sure about the number of DIP)
Status: Draft
Themes: Community Involvement
Tags: Event Production
Resources Required: Physical space at venue, Operational Support
Discussion: DEV - ROOTS || an opportunity to show who we are - #16 by j4c0b0_bl4nd0n

-----Summary of Proposal-----
Simple Summary
The DEVCON will be unforgettable, and with DEV-ROOTS we want to contribute to it, for this reason we will place a typical Colombian Chiva that will function as a meeting room and we will build a chill area loaded with Colombian elements for the enjoyment of the attendees

DEV-ROOTS consists of the montage around an identifying element of our country such as a typical Colombian Chiva; For the assembly we will have two segmentations, use of the inside of the chiva, and use of the area near the outside of the chiva. La chiva will function as a meeting room charged with an atmosphere of Colombian authenticity, where UX/UI research teams will be able to develop activities; outside the Chiva will be a chill and play area, a space for socio-cultural integration to share with Devcon attendees, this activation must be represented by a setting that inspires an exotic, cultural and diverse Colombia

-----Motivation & Rationale-----
Below are some useful prompts

  • Having a typical Colombian Chiva as a space for construction and research will be an almost unique opportunity, in addition to being a window to the authenticity of Colombian culture, we believe that as members of the same community there are various aspects that will unite us even more; Regarding the chill and play space, it is also a great opportunity for those who wish to take a break, immersed in Colombianness, in addition to being able to learn a little about the various elements that characterize us culturally.
  • This is an experience without blockchain, but we want it to generate a symbiosis between culture and support for the development of something as important as UX/UI Research.

Below are some useful prompts

  • This proposal will be implemented for the first time at DEVCON 6, but we hope that it will become a banner to represent the co-creation between elements of technological development and culture…
  • It would be great to know the opinion of the people who attend the designated DEV-ROOTS site, in order to know their opinion and also improve the proposal for future DEVCONs.

-----Operational Requirements & Ownership-----
Please answer questions below:

  1. The actions required to run DEV-ROOTS are:
    Approval of budget to rent from Chiva
    AV and Production Requirements ( Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases. )
    Budget approval for the acquisition of decorative and operational elements ( DEV-ROOTS CHIVA_DevCon complete.pdf - Google Drive )

  2. Who will be responsible for the proposal to be implemented effectively?
    Members of the Ethereum Colombia community:
    Jhon Harvey Tejada
    Louis Alexander Toro
    Santiago Garzon
    we will distribute equally during the days of DEVCON

  3. What other projects could this proposal be integrated with?
    at the moment we do not have other proposals to integrate, but everything is possible

-----Links & Additional Information-----
You can see the complete proposal and access the links through the following link DEV-ROOTS / DEVCON DCOUMENT AND FULL BUDGET - Google Docs