DEV - ROOTS || an opportunity to show who we are

Greetings, we know that this sixth edition of DEVCON is a great opportunity for Colombia and Latin America; We recognize the opportunities and challenges that blockchain technology in the Latin American ecosystem poses, therefore, with the motivation of integrating the technological development that has been deployed on ethereum, with the immense world of opportunities in terms of training, use cases, impact and scalability, we propose to set a precedent that highlights one of the most valuable pillars of a country; culture, the use of ETH linked to traditional aspects of Colombian culture, will impact the global perception of the use and application of this technology, closing gaps and showing real, practical and close opportunities to all actors, present and future, of the ecosystem , inviting in turn, a massive adoption of this type of initiatives at the Latin American level that allows a great growth of the community
global. We propose:

  1. Bring to DEVCON a typical Colombian Chiva loaded with indigenous and representative products from the different regions of Colombia that can be paid in crypto (DAI) through an L2 protocol with the aim of encouraging transactions and usability as on-chain alternatives; The Chiva is a fundamental part in the construction of the current logo of ETH Colombia, since its essence is represented graphically through it.

  2. Create a stand inside the main point of the DEVCON with indigenous and representative products from all the regions of Colombia that can be paid with crypto (DAI) through an L2 protocol with the aim of encouraging transactions and usability as alternatives on-chain; This stand would be built with the Chiva theme in order to preserve the essence that demarcates our image as ETH Colombia.

We consider that the articles or products to be acquired can be of an edible nature or also handcrafted elements (hats, mini-chivas, small sculptures, etc.)

We want the participants to be able to share a bit of Colombian culture and that a good coffee with an arepa e’huevo or perhaps an arequipe or a bocadillo are the perfect excuse to connect.

What do you think of this proposal?


GM/GN everyone! below we will share the document that we have under construction on the DEVCON proposal, in addition to this we will add extra information that we have compiled for consideration:


Information collected by Santiago GarzĂłn of ETH Sabana

The first thing is to validate the feasibility of bringing a Chiva to the Agora convention center.

“La chiva” is a cargo truck adapted in an artisanal way for rural public transport, due to its meaning it was declared Colombian cultural heritage in 2008. The use of ETH linked to traditional aspects of Colombian culture will impact the global perception of the use and application of this technology, closing gaps and showing real, practical and close opportunities to all the actors, present and future, of the ecosystem.

We have made a previous visit to the Ágora event center to assess the logistical feasibility of bringing the goat into the event. First-hand, we consider the activity feasible within the logistics framework due to the facilities that the space offers.

The Ágora protocol indicates that the entrance of the vehicle would have to be done through the underground parking lot, later we would have to use the freight elevator of Nucleus 4 (since it is the one with the greatest capacity) that allows access to floors 1, 4 and 5 of the building.

Considering the fragility of the tile on the first floor of the building, we suggest using the Q-Z room on the 5th floor to locate the Chiva and the chilln play area. As can be seen on the map, the Nucleus 4 freight elevator door is very close to the Q-Z room, which is why we could comfortably unload the vehicle.

From the information collected, we know that the volume of the elevator allows the entry of the goat, likewise, we know that it has sufficient capacity to support the weight of the vehicle.

Ágora’s protocol indicates that the request must be sent from the organizing team of the event, together with the requirements (measures, weights, income) to the engineer responsible for the matter. We are very attentive to collaborate in writing and sending it with all the information we have collected.

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On the part of the elements to acquire we have three types

  • Typical foods
  • Iconic crafts
  • Variety of fruits

We have collected information from potential vendors who could sell to us wholesale.

For the above, we propose

Acquire wholesale typical Colombian products that do not require preparation in place to sell them to DEVCON attendees.

Acquire wholesale typical handmade products made to measure to be marketed as DEVCON souvenirs, among these we propose:

Ruanas and ponchos
Backpacks and Rails
Various crafts (key chains, purses, chivitas, etc.)

These are some of the elements that we conceive for the moment, the ideal thing would be to analyze and propose as an ETH Colombia community from personal knowledge elements that may fit or have similarities.

As we will have transactions, we propose at the end of the event to collect the data acquired and to provide any wallet that has interacted in the purchase of any element with a commemorative POAP


Create a Chill and play zone, where we have some bean bag sofas for people to sit close to the chiva and a ping pong table as a recreational alternative



  • Protocol L2
  • Descentralized wallet
  • Stablecoin

As part of the adoption strategy, the following is proposed:

Taking as a starting point one of the thematic axes for DEVCON, which would be the implementation of Layer 2 and its adoption, it is proposed that:

  1. Generate a shopping experience through an L2 protocol where its usefulness is taught and how to use a bridge for it correctly
  2. Make the receipt of purchase through a decentralized wallet
  3. Make transactions with a stablecoin

Excellent initiative, a unique opportunity to get to know the real Colombia Blockchain.

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Having a mini goat on the 5th floor of the Agora must even represent a Guinness record. Having a goat will make DEVCON 2022 unforgettable for all its attendees, but in order to make the initiative viable, other alternatives could be considered, such as:

in jeep willys
build a paisa inn.

These could be other alternatives in case it is difficult to carry the Chiva, but let’s do our best to have a goat on the 5th floor of the Agora and break a Guinness record. #rollup


Cool. Offering indigenous products sounds incredible, but also having the opportunity to use the blockchain to market everyday products will allow us to broaden the spectrum of possibilities with technology. #paywithcrypto

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As members of the community, we are moved to build more community, which is why the following is proposed for the destination of the funds raised:

  • The general distribution of these funds will be as follows
  1. 40% for ETH Colombia, in order to reinforce community creation activities and different activities such as meetups, hackathons, etc. and subsequent promotion of future DEVCON events.
  2. 40% distributed equally to the nodes of ETH Colombia to carry out activities, this partition would be the following, Eth BogotĂĄ 20%; Caribbean Eth 20%; Eth Antioch 20%; Eth Coffee Region 20%; Eth Savannah (coming soon) 20%.
  3. 20% to generate or support training programs around web3/blockchain/ethereum.
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Update of Chiva measures:

  • height: 1.95 meters
  • width: 2.70 meters
  • long: 10 meters

I like the idea of exposing columbian culture to attendees - but I really dislike the idea of mixing ethereum symbolic with religious one - we really should not do that IMHO.

I think we need a formal DIP here, too. What do you think @ligi

Yea - I think a concrete formal DIP would be great to properly run it with the team and prevent pitfalls like mixing ethereum symbolic with religious one.

Hello !
@cryptomurals will be happy to join the Chiva bus with a VR experience to let people create their own version of the chiva bus and “slow-mint it” as an NFT.
- Duration of Experience: Máx 10’ / person
- Minimum space: 2.5m X 2.5m to setup a table w/ the laptop, sensors and a chair for the person who’s gonna be on the VR set.
- Hours: From 15h to 23h - Show up or Pre-register ? (To be defined)

As we discussed with the Chiva team we can:

  • Limit the number of people who will be at the same time inside of the bus to ensure everyone is confortable.
  • Use one of the TV screens they will lend for the NFT exhibition to display what’s being creating on the VR experience on realtime.

Also we will need:

  • Create the VR environment with the Chiva bus, pre-made patterns and music on Unity or Unreal Engine.
  • Buy or rent for 3 days one HTC VIVE PRO VR set.
  • Rent a windows High performance laptop.
  • Rent 2 tripods to place the sensors.

Please let me know your thoughts about it.

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hi everyone!!!

we are really excited to have the opportunity to participate in the Chiva experience. To have DEVCON in Colombia is a great opportunity for us in Latam.

My proposal is related to NFT and Blockchain consciousness.

As we discussed with the ETH Coffee Region team, I want to propose to do a #cryptoPerformance in Chiva space.
I send links of the type of experience I want to carry out:

Also participate with my work in the production and exhibition of the NFT Gallery.

We can make a collective exhibition with some of the most representative Latin American crypto-artists today for Devcon BogotĂĄ.

the performance is only performed once in the entire event, as an act of awareness about FIAT abuses and injustices. making a rain of real BolĂ­vares (current currency of Venezuela extremely devalued by political and economic abuses).

for performance I need:
-two projectors with their respective mounting.
I have the rest of the equipment.

What do we need for the NFT physical gallery?

VideoWall (LED screen) of the largest possible size. with its respective assembly.
3 TVs with USB input. with its respective assembly.

Hi everyone and hi @ng-rgb
Will the VR experience then go into the formal Github proposal of the Chiva bus?

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Hi @Rose I’m not sure what the procedure is to integrate it into the formal Github proposal.
@2thefinalfrontier2 @Jhontejada95 would you kindly share the link with me please in order to update it as soon as I get the budget ready ?

Here is the deck of the Chiva VR experience

Thanks !

Hi everyone :slight_smile: Great to see your amazing work!

How is the progress with the Github proposal?
@2thefinalfrontier2 @Jhontejada95
Do you need some help there?

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Hi Rose :slightly_smiling_face: thanks for those words, about the Github proposal, we havn’t done it since we’re waiting for the last confirmation of the space, to define if in the planimetry the VR Experience of @ng-rgb can be located outside or inside the chiva, also we want to know about the space to dimension a little more some elements that we want to locate, however everything else is ready, if it is possible it would be very helpful to receive your guide on how to mount the proposal on github, usually i don’t use too much github and I have some confusion