DIP-39: Integration of zkPassport for SEA builder discounts


This proposal introduces a zkPassport integration for Devcon in Bangkok, enabling SEA citizens to prove their nationality using zero-knowledge proofs and access ticket discounts in a privacy-preserving way. This improves the user experience and eliminates the need to share sensitive identity documents.

Example Flow:

  1. Users load their ePassport via NFC into the zkPassport app.
  2. On the Devcon ticket ordering site, a unique QR code is generated.
  3. Users scan this QR code with the zkPassport app and are prompted to prove they are a citizen of a SEA country.
  4. A zero-knowledge proof is generated locally on their device and submitted to the callback URL encoded in the QR code.
  5. The proof is verified on the backend and if valid then a discount code is provided to the user.
  6. An anonymous nullifier unique to the ePassport is recorded ensuring each passport can only be used once to claim a discount code.

GitHub DIP PR: Add DIP-39 by michaelelliot · Pull Request #138 · efdevcon/DIPs · GitHub