Issue with zkPassport and AnonAadhar

I am trying to scan my passport using zkPassport, but it turns on the camera and have a rectangular indicator in it but I am not sure what to scan in it. After few minutes, it asks me to hold my phone near the NFC in my passport. I am not sure where exactly to point and unsure if my passport even have NFC. I am also trying to use Anon Aadhar but it is showing server error while verifying or requesting OTP


Thanks for reporting your experience!&sorry it did not work for you. These are all early experiments and feedback like this is very valuable.

If your passport has NFC you can see if it has this logo on the front:

cc Yanis zkmike

No, I dont have such a logo on the front. I am trying to scan it like this but it’s not happening anything.

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without this logo on the passport it will not work. You can either retry with the AA or use the manual way. I would prefer to find out why the AA way does not work for you - it works for others (seeing orders in the backend) - but would be nice to know why it fails for you @Yanis should be able to provide more input

Yes, even i am trying to do it using Anon aadhar only but it is having issues verifying the OTP, or sometimes I am not able to verify my captcha

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here is the error i am getting

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Having a similar issue, I can’t get past the “scan MRZ” part on zkpassport. It outlines my MRZ in red blocks with my camera but doesn’t progress to the next stage. Help please! I sent an email as well through beta feedback on TestFlight

Not an Indian resident so didn’t try AA


I managed to get it working. My quite a few friends also faced the same error. but this issue is only being encountered during the day in India and is working after 11:30-12 in the night

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[quote=“taolano, post:9, topic:3680, full:true”]

Im a SEA Country citizen. successfully uploaded my passport to ZKPassport app, but after scanning it will show an error: “Unsupported signature algorithm: rsassaPsse65537”
Kindly advise what to do. thank you guys!


I’ve got the exact same issue! Shame we’re going to miss out on the first wave of tickets :cry:

@ligi anything the EF can help with this? It’s not our fault we can’t access the discount even though we’re eligible, and missing out on the live ticket waves

You can always go the manual way without zkPassport.

Finally, (just today) me and my other friend was able to successfully process our ticket application via zkPassport. It’s not yet the formal ticket. Still waiting for approval from devcon’s side so we can proceed buying our tickets. Although i would have expected that the ticket purchase will go directly to payment part, as the system (zkPassport) already vouched us to be from a SEA country.
And we are trying to buy the discounted ticket as a SEA resident attendee.
But it’s ok, we just have to wait then.
Unfortunately, our other friend has to go thru the manual process as her passport will not read in the app.
I don’t know what’s causing the error. We all are from the same SEA country.

See you all at Devcon7.

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Been trying to register using AnonAadhar but it seems broken and stuck at this step for a long time. Have tried different browsers as well. On a Intel Mac if it matters.

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Just an update of our SEA resident discount application (via zkPassport & manual application):
Finally, 3 of us now approved with ticket and we just paid it.
The other colleague who submitted manual application is now approved as well.
so 2 of us approved via zkPassport route approval and 1 approved via manual application.
… excited for Devcon7 Bangkok soon!