Let's use OnChain Ticket in addition to Traditional Ticket for [Devcon7]

I like to propose in Devcon7 that we start use OnChain Ticket(a small portion), in addition to OffChain Ticket(a major portion).

In 2020 at least 3 proposed Devcon (see appendix section) to use Ticket on-chain, I didn’t see it happen.

  1. could any wise friends help me understand what blocked Devcon from using Ticket OnChain?
  2. here is my proposal with live updates from suggestions and feedback below


  1. ticketing with on-chain can easily interoperate with many other smart contracts, clients and DAOs, paving way composibility.
  2. being a great ecosystem demo
  3. reward contributions to Devcon and ETH ecosystems with Tickets instead of letting everyone buy with money, achieving goals proposed in DIP: Community invites and subsidized tickets but have an opportunity for better governance.

Why now?

With merge, upcoming sharding upgrades, rollups, we are getting closer to a general affordability of TX fees. A few ERCs introduced recently made it closer to an interoperable ticket


  1. To begin with, a small portion of tickets say 30% of total tickets be dedicate to on-chain version, in the format of NFT or FT if specific seating are not required. The rest majority portion of ticket still use traditional Offchain Ticket version that we use today.
contract Devcon7TicketImpl is ERC1155 {
  // TokenID allocations
     - `0` to be General Admission, Fungible Token, transferable
     - `0x0001-0x0FFF` to be Speakers, Admins, Staff Members, NFT, non-transferable
     - `0x1000-0x1FFF` to be Discounted Ticket, NFT, non-transferable. Discount can be achieved by smart contract e.g. look up a predefined list of discounted price
     - `0x2000-0x2FFF` to be Volunteer Tickets, NFT, non-transferable. Airdropped by or claim with Endorsement/Permit by Organizing Committee.
  1. Check-In flow

There will be 2 ways to check-in:

  • Staff at gate sends a TX to consume(EIP-2135) the ticket with an endorsement(EIP-5453) from guest with a wallet app BLOCKED by adoption of endorsement signing. NON-BLOCKINGOr use un-standardized EIP712
  • Guest send a TX to consume(EIP-2135) a ticket they own before the eyes of Staff at gate
  1. Issuing ticket or tokens to purchase ticket.

We want to reward contributions to Ethereum eco and Devcon. Devcon can establish a governance process to decide how and when to issue a contributor for a ticket to next Devcon.

Devcon’s community governance can also decide a way to distribute some kind of ERC20-like “DevconCredits” that could be issued in a more finer grain, and issue these DevconCredits and charge them for buying a ticket.


Previous attempt


  • 2022-10-15 Created this proposal to circulate the idea. Pausing here for early feedback.
  • 2022-10-17 Respond to first comment
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I’m fully agree that if Devcon is a Blockchain event why are we buying tickets outside the Blockchain.

I only have one sugestion:
Always will be people interested in attendance the conference but still not Involved in Crypto, so this could be a barrier for this people. So i suggest to have a limited Suplly (maybe 200 tickets) of Offchain tickets for this kind of people.

Also you missed the Volunteers tickets in your TokenIds.

@juanjgiraldoc Totally agree, Juan. Thank you for your comment

Always will be people interested in attendance the conference but still not Involved in Crypto, so this could be a barrier for this people. So i suggest to have a limited Supply (maybe 200 tickets) of Offchain tickets for this kind of people.

That’s why I propose that

A portion of tickets say 30% of total tickets be dedicate to on-chain version

Let me make it more clearer by updating to to mention there will be offchain version too.

I think we can have all these advantages with the attestations we have - without slowing down/complicate the entry at the gate with the solution you propose. Please let me know what we can do with your solution that cannot be done with attestations.

Not everyone needed to buy a ticket with money - speakers, EF-Employees and some other groups just got a voucher send via email. This is much easier than having them to mint an NFT. There are people where this would have been really complicated but we still want in the event.
For me your solution sounds like masslovs hammer and I see no advantage over the system we use.
Having been at the gate all days - I know that “Sending a TX at the gate” is a bad idea.
But: try your idea at a small event - happy about experiments in this area - but really think this is a dead end and attestations are the way to go in this case - not NFTs.


Thank you for pointing out. Is this the attestation you mentioned? DIPs/DIP-6.md at 643cb3847b2bcdc1b1510c02509dff2546402064 · efdevcon/DIPs · GitHub


yes - this is what I mean. Also see:

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One way to think of attestation is they are lazy-loaded NFT. Having been attested as a thicket holder, the attestation-holder can mint an NFT at any time of choice (lazy-load) while not forcing other ticket holders to spend the fee to mint an NFT when they don’t need it.