Proposed location: İstanbul, Türkiye 🇹🇷

Devcon 7 İstanbul’da yapılmalı çünkü hem doğu ve batı crypto kültürünü birbirine bağlayan yapısı ve Bogota ve Singapurdaki gibi çok farklı konumdan insanların kesinlikle buluşma noktası olabileceği için.


Istanbul, which connects two continents, is definitely the best option.


Istanbul is one of the meeting points of people from different cultures. It has a location that connects Asia and Europe, so it is also one of the most convenient places in terms of location and there is a lot of blockchain enthusiast,developers.


Istanbul - the center of the world with a great history, combination of easter and western architecture, warm people and delicious food. It is the best place for Devcon for sure!


Strong and well written proposal: congratulations to you (and any others who helped? Or just you?)! :raised_hands:

From what’s been presented, Istanbul has a chance to be the largest Devcon ever! Not for the sake of size, but to be the most open and inclusive Devcon ever: where people do not have to buy tickets in minutes and there is no “sold out”. Even letting people buy tickets the day of the event, should be considered.

With the elections in July 2023, many people might prefer to buy their tickets and make bookings afterwards. Generally who knows how Europe and the world might be like next August, September, October.

The proposal mentions ICC: Auditorium + 4 Meeting Halls for ~5600 pax
Auditorium with 3705 seats
Around how many people do you think would be comfortable in ICC? (Not the maximum, because maximum is probably not comfortable.)

How much lead time do you need to book the ICC?

How flexible are they if it turns out more (or less) than 4 halls will be needed?

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DevCon’s new destination must be Istanbul. It’s a great opportunity to explore this amazing city within the most unique event.


Turkey already has lots of people who’s willing to work and produce in this field. Istanbul is the greatest place for DevCon.


At DEVCon somebody (AFAIR from the awesome ITU crew) mentioned there are crypto ATMs in Istanbul - IMHO this would be a nice fact (and maybe picture) for the post :wink:
I also converted the post to a wiki - so it should be easier to collaborate on the proposal


I have never been, yet just from talking to people from there and given its geographic and local context, I believe it makes a great fit for the next Devcon.


Statistically, Turkiye was in the top shelves of the lists about cryptocurrency market in the past years and already has nearly 6 million people whi has cryptocurrency account.The flame that was see in the eyes of th turkish people, deserves a hosting of DevCon in istanbul.


I’m going for the cats. :cat2: :black_cat:


Strong and well written proposal: congratulations to you (and any others who helped? Or just you?)! :raised_hands:

Not only me but there are group of people behind the proposal. Thanks to their huge efforts :heart:

The proposal mentions ICC: Auditorium + 4 Meeting Halls for ~5600 pax
Auditorium with 3705 seats
Around how many people do you think would be comfortable in ICC? (Not the maximum, because maximum is probably not comfortable.)

Around how many people do you think would be comfortable in ICC? (Not the maximum, because maximum is probably not comfortable.)

Depends on how many floors and rooms will be rented. Given numbers are only specific to a part of B2 floor of 8 floor venue. With other floors included, it can easily go beyond the multiples of given amount.

How much lead time do you need to book the ICC?
How flexible are they if it turns out more (or less) than 4 halls will be needed?

Good questions, I need to ask about it.


Awesome! Venue looks great from diagram.


Great proposal!! Lets do it :tr:


Would be cool to also mention about, potential/prospect web3 projects and communities from Istanbul and all over Türkiye that’d be there on devcon.

What’d also help, is mentioning potential partnerships and sponsorships that country would provide upon such event, for its delivery, and that might be found appreciative and also motivating the attendees, along with all that lively city of Istanbul.

Would be also great to have a few points that’d accept crypto-based transactions, and people could hangout in those and gather before/after the events, considering they are not necessarily be around the event locations. // would be food, drink, clubs, even boat trip, who knows…


It would be a great opportunity to be in a multi-cultural city, Istanbul, as a multi-cultural community.


Anyone based in Istanbul, visited Dubai? How was your experience?

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There are very good hotels and hostels in Istanbul. You will never have any transportation problems in the city. Apart from conferences, very good activities can be done. Guests will love this city when they taste Turkish food.


What do you mean? In terms of connection from Istanbul to Dubai?

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As a foreigner from Istanbul, what are their impressions about Dubai? Pros and cons? (I asked same thing in Dubai thread, but on their perspectives about Istanbul. Naturally people would prefer their own country, so their viewpoints of the other place could have some reasonable things to consider.)

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