SEA Community Hub Proposal: DeSo

Summary of Proposal

The DeSo Community Hub is a collaborative platform for researchers in the field of decentralized social networks. Over the course of a day, participants will engage in discussions and a content creation contest on Farcaster, centered around the ongoing DevCon.

Motivation and Rationale: Enhancing Participant Experience

The DeSo Community Hub offers participants a unique interactive experience to deeply engage with DeSo, including real-time frame creation, analysis of content engagement on Dune, and exploring the value of content based on social capital using Airstack and Openrank tools.

Complementing the DevCon Program

While DevCon covers a broad range of topics, the DeSo Community Hub focuses specifically on the critical area of decentralized social capital. This specialized focus complements the main program by providing an in-depth exploration of challenges and solutions in decentralized social networks, crucial for the secure management and transfer of social capital.

Importance of the Topic

Decentralizing social capital is increasingly important as censorship intensifies on traditional social media platforms. The banning of crypto bloggers can have devastating effects on the industry’s reputation and growth.

The community hub format fosters a collaborative environment where researchers can deeply explore DeSo development, share ideas, and develop innovative solutions. This hands-on, community-driven approach is more effective than traditional talks or seminars.


A medium-sized room for 30-50 people equipped with a screen or projector for presentations from a Macbook.


Our team is not involved in marketing or promoting any tokens. During the workshops, we may need to showcase our personal Farcaster, Zora and Lens accounts, which could be perceived as shilling. However, this is the only way to explore DeSo practically.

Plan of the day:

Morning Session:

  • Introduction to DeSo Community Hub:

  • Discuss the importance of decentralized social capital.

  • Announce a contest for the most engaging content on Farcaster related to DevCon, using Airstack’s cast rating.

Discussion: Current State of Decentralized Social Networks (30 minutes to 1 hour)

Key questions include:

  • How to create and maintain an account in DeSo, and whether it’s permissionless?

  • Evaluation of current DeSo platforms.

  • Alternative methods for decentralizing social capital.

  • Recommended newsletters in the Social Fi space.

  • Best tools for social capital analysis.

  • Challenges in decentralization with Farcaster and Lens.

  • How to avoid spam filters?

  • The role of analytics and dashboards in DeSo.

  • Implications for censorship in DeSo clients.

  • Strategies for improving content engagement.

  • Balancing decentralization with spam and toxic comment filtering in DeSo projects.

Q&A Session

— Lunch Break —


Workshop 1: (40 minutes)

  • How frames work and how to create your own frames (e.g., Neynar).

Workshop 2: (30 minutes)

  • How to analyze the quality of your and others’ content using free dashboards like Dune and Airstack.

Tea Break

Master Session:

  • How to grow your account on DeSo.

  • How to avoid having your DeSo account buried by spam filters.

  • How to find your cozy corners for growth in DeSo.


  • Summarizing the contest and discussing future development plans in DeSo.

Hi! Thank you for your proposal.

General Update on the Process

  • The RFP is open until the end of August.
  • Shortly after this (early first week of September), we will share which Community Hub proposals got accepted and will work with those accepted teams to fine-tune the proposals/hubs and how we can best meet their production requirements.

We’ll keep you updated, should we have any more questions!



Thank you so much for your patience as we review all the community hub proposals. A quick update: We have extended the deadline to submit a community hub application by one week, to the 7th of September 2024 (AoE time). You can now expect to hear from us about the outcome of your proposal by mid-September.

Thank you again! In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.