SEA Community Hub Proposal: DevRel Day

Summary of Proposal

DevRel Day is a dynamic community event bringing together DevRel professionals and aspiring DevRels to exchange ideas, share best practices, and foster collaboration. This hub offers attendees insights into the multifaceted DevRel role, exploring various strategies for building and nurturing developer communities in the Ethereum ecosystem. It aims to bridge knowledge gaps and strengthen the DevRel community through interactive sessions.

Motivation and Rationale

Developer Relations is crucial for the growth and sustainability of Web3 ecosystems like Ethereum. While the Developer Experience track in the main program covers important ground, DevRel Day will provide a more immersive and interactive experience:

  • This community hub will enhance the attendee experience by offering hands-on learning, networking opportunities, and collaborative problem-solving sessions that go beyond traditional presentations and panels.
  • It complements the main Devcon program by delving deeper into specific DevRel roles such as Developer Advocate, DevRel Engineer, DevEx Engineer, Technical Writer, and Technical Community Manager. This focused approach allows for a more comprehensive exploration of subjects like DevRel KPIs, community building, documentation, dev tooling, early adopter program design, event organization, etc. Finally, DevRel Day will serve as a default “hangout” spot or Schelling Point for DevRel-focused attendees.
  • A community hub is an ideal format for this topic because it allows for:
    1. Extended interaction and relationship building among participants
    2. Flexible, multi-format sessions including workshops, roundtables, and open discussions
    3. Real-time problem-solving and idea generation
    4. A close-knit setting for sharing experiences and best practices

The significance of this topic lies in its direct impact on Ethereum’s adoption and developer community growth. By fostering a strong DevRel community, we contribute to the overall health and expansion of the Ethereum ecosystem.


Production requirements:

  • High-speed internet connection
  • Multiple power outlets
  • Large displays/ screens
  • Modular seating that can be moved around
  • Interactive whiteboards or digital collaboration tools
  • Signage
  • Refreshment corner

While the exact schedule is yet to be decided, this should serve as a sample schedule.

  • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM: Casual Networking
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Ask Me Anything with a Senior DevRel
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Evolving Roles in DevRel: From Advocacy to Engineering (Roundtable)
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Emerging DevRel Challenges (Open Discussion)
  • 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM: Meet a DevRel (Speed Friending)
  • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM: Web3 DevRel Onboarding Breakout: Mind the Gap Between Web2 and Web3 (Breakout session for new DevRels onboarding into the Web3 space or for founders looking to hire DevRels)
  • 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM: DevRel Research Advice: a 60 minute window for anyone to drop on a group discussion with DevRel theme
  • 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM: Closing Session


To ensure the hub stays free from marketing and avoids promoting specific tokens or projects:

  • Clear guidelines will be established for all speakers and participants, emphasizing the focus on DevRel practices rather than specific products.
  • Any discussions about tools or platforms will be framed in the context of general DevRel strategies, not as promotional content.
  • A diverse range of speakers and participants from various projects will be invited to maintain neutrality.
  • We will moderate discussions to keep them on-topic and free from promotional content.

Bianca Buzea - @buzea200 - Lead DevRel Chronicle Protocol and Founder of DevRel Uni
Matt Hamilton - @hammertoe - Senior DevRel Arbitrum Foundation

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Thanks for putting together this proposal

General Update on the Process

  • The RFP is now open until September 7th 2024
  • Shortly after this (mid-September), we will share which Community Hub proposals got accepted and will work with those accepted teams to fine-tune the proposals/hubs and how we can best meet their production requirements.

We’ll keep you updated, should we have any more questions!
