SEA Community Hub Proposal: ETHTour community hub


Community Hub proposal - ETH Tour community hub

Summary of Proposal

ETHTour community hub for all Ethereum community organizers (existing and/or future). This hub aims to bring together Ethereum enthusiasts, developers, and newcomers to foster a vibrant and inclusive community. Our hub will serve as a platform for sharing knowledge, organizing events, and providing support for Ethereum-based projects.

Motivation and Rationale

With ETHTour community hub, all the participants from Devcon would understand and get to know our whole communities, which is a whole picture. During Devcon, all could contribute to the hub and definitely would take away multiple experiences from multiple communities. This community hub is “one for all, all for one”, which means a hub is the best way, rather than workshops or talks from one individual.


Some resources could be as following:

  • a big world map
  • several white boards
  • A1 flip charts
  • post-its

The draft programs (ideas) are

  • Put on the world map
  • Everyone could nail a city for the community (had or will have ETH events)
  • Dedicated time frame to share some experiences like
    • how to organize a meetup
    • how to organize a workshop
    • how to organize a hackathon
    • how to find your first group of audience
    • etc
  • Collect the topics the communities are interested in
  • Invite the experienced organizers to share
  • etc.


Here are the team members:

Hey there!

Thanks so much for your proposal. Since the theme of this proposed Community Hub has some overlap with the Community Gardeners Hub, it would be great if both teams could collaborate and bring in even more communities together for this!

General Update on the Process

  • The RFP is open until the end of August.
  • Shortly after that (early September), we’ll announce which Community Hub proposals have been accepted and will work with those teams to fine-tune their proposals and ensure their production needs are met.

We’ll keep you in the loop if we have any further questions!

Thanks again!


Thank you so much for your patience as we review all the community hub proposals. A quick update: We have extended the deadline to submit a community hub application by one week, to the 7th of September 2024 (AoE time). You can now expect to hear from us about the outcome of your proposal by mid-September.

Thank you again! In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.