SEA Community Hub Proposal: Interop Hub

Summary of Proposal

The Interoperability Hub would be a space for developers to discuss interoperability within and beyond the Optimism ecosystem, the advent and implications of cross chain solver marketplaces (ERC-7683), and unifying the broader Ethereum L2 Landscape. This Hub would aim to unify developers interested in discussing and addressing problems around liquidity fragmentation, as well as those interested in learning more and workshopping around solving some of these issues. We plan to provide a mic and camera setup to give thought leaders a chance to make the content of their sessions accessible beyond the walls of Devcon.

Motivation and Rationale

Interoperability is a pivotal milestone in Ethereum’s future, and with ERC-7683, it is finally tangible, too. Many panels and talks live on stage will likely touch on ERC-7683 or interoperability as a concept, so a central Interop hub of discussion will help take subjects discussed at the main conference a little further.

Moreover, many L2 ecosystems are working on different interpretations of Interoperability, without much collaboration and cross-pollination taking place. This hub is an opportunity to explore how Interoperability might take form in different micro-ecosystems across Ethereum, and pave the way for more integration.

Envisioned as an open, collaborative space, the Interop Hub would provide developers a common meeting ground to discuss interoperability within and across the various micro-ecosystems within the broader Ethereum community – an opportunity that does not often present itself.


The Space will require:

  • Functional seating for attendees to work and mingle
  • Whiteboards
  • Power outlets
  • A screen for presentations
  • A few small tables
  • Signage
  • Camera setup w/ mic and “interviewer”

We are able to provide all of the above without help from the Devcon team.

Sample Itinerary

Hours: 12pm-4pm each day of Devcon

12pm-1pm: Intro discussions and workshops

(Day 1: ERC7683, Day 2: State of Bridging, Day 3: Native interop, implementation & findings, etc)

1pm-1:30pm: Break for food

1:30pm-3pm: Collective intelligence: open discussions based on introductory discussions & workshops

3pm-4pm: Networking/coworking/hot takes captured via video


Who are the dedicated people that will organize and be fully responsible for the Community Hub?

Core developers across Optimism, and other L2 ecosystems, as well as Superchain Eco, would be fully responsible for organizing the event and looking for other supporters across other L2s.

Why are they best suited to drive this community hub? What expertise do they offer in this topic?

Optimism is making large strides in bringing Native Interop to life with help from solutions like Across’s intents-based bridging solution.

How will you ensure that the hub stays free from marketing and avoids promoting specific tokens or projects? How will you guarantee that the project’s interests do not interfere with this requirement?

This will be a neutral interoperability conversation space with ERC-7683 as the star of the show. We encourage and hope to collaborate with other sub-ecosystems that are also experimenting with Interop, such as Arbitrum. The objectives of the conversations in this hub will ultimately be to bring all L2s together, which requires buy-in from not just the Optimism community, but from the whole of Ethereum.


1000% support! Would love to bring this to life


What a fantastic idea! This is exactly what the ecosystem needs right now! A space for collaboration across chains can drive innovation. Count me in for full support :heart:


InterOp between L2s will be a major unlock for users and builders in the coming years. A hub specifically focused on this topic makes a lot of sense.


I’m supportive of this proposal. Let’s bring the interop big brains together, from across Ethereum, everyone in one place :sparkles:


Im keen to attend and support this initiative.


Great idea. Bo and I (from Polymer) would love to support. Happy to collaborate with organizing and contributing time and resources to make this a solid event!


Would love to support and be a part of it from Eco!


Hello this is Tani from Kroma. We are also interested and would love to support and be part of this event!

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Love it! Across is interested in supporting this, too, especially around all things ERC-7683.

gm, Evin from disco here!

I think this is a wonderful idea, and I know my team would love to contribute to the discussion

All hands on deck for interop! Enablement across chains makes for better UX & devex, and we can make these activities hands-on, accessible and fun for everyone.

huge yes to this hub! i think it’s more important than ever for us to come together in person and find ways to build a positive-sum, expansive internet, starting with interoperability.

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This is good, opening the superchain arms to open the conversations about interoperability to improve the whole ecosystem. Excited to see the things discussed here :slight_smile:

this is exactly what we need!

Hi there,

First of all, we would like to thank you for putting together this proposal!

The space allocated to Community Hubs is limited which means we can only accept a limited number of proposals.

Many of the proposals we received were very high quality and, unfortunately, we had to take hard decisions. There is simply not enough space to accommodate all of them.

With this post, I’d like to inform you that your proposal was not selected for this year’s Community space.

Again, thank you for showing initiative to contribute to the Devcon SEA experience and we hope to see you there soon nonetheless.

Best Regards,

Shyam & The Devcon team