Solidity UFC! Who is the GOAT of Solidity Universe?

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen!!

Let me introduce the SOLIDITY UFC a tournament to find the best solidity programmer.

Hello, I would like to organize special events that focus on Solidity programming as a form of art. I believe we need to encourage more people to learn Solidity because onboarding even one additional developer can exponentially increase the long-term impact of the entire Ethereum ecosystem.

The Solidity Ultimate Fighting Championship is a 30-minute competition where developers write solidity functions, solve solidity puzzles, and the first programmer to complete all tasks earns bragging rights as the best Solidity programmer and maybe a valuable prize.

There are different variations of SOLIDITY UFC that I can think of:

  1. Head-to-head competition: Two or more respected solidity developers compete on the stage in front of the audience. It could be solving puzzles or program something they prepared at home. They can have microphones and headphone to comment as they program. Their screens can be streamed online and on the screen for everyone to see.
    Benefits: fame, gain twitter followers, demonstrate their skills, land a high salary job, prizes, bragging rights.
    Organizing Complexity: Easy; we need to only find volunteers and stage with audience
    Impact: High

  2. Open competition: Anyone can compete during conference, again 30 minutes maximum, a person who solves most puzzles wins a prize. There could be prizes for best in top 10, 30, 50 etc.
    Benefits: all the items in 1) and fun
    Organizing Complexity: Difficult; ideally we would need a website with puzzles and permissionless ranking and prize claiming.
    Impact: High

  3. Solidity Art Corner: A small corner during hackathon or conference were two or more devs can hack and stream their progress online and on the screen. People might stop by and ask questions etc.
    Benefits: fun, followers, sponsorship, mints, first users.
    Organizing Complexity: Easy; We just need a table and projector
    Impact: Very Good

  4. Solidity Pro Talk One Solidity developer, such as the CTO or lead engineer of a cool Ethereum project, takes the stage to share their challenges, unique solutions, and Solidity best practices.
    Benefits: exposure, followers.
    Organizing Complexity: Easy
    Impact: Somewhat High

Why Solidity UFC?

Please leave a comment if you find Solidity UFC interesting.
Also, mention if you or your organization would like to participate or sponsor.

Support from the devcon team

  1. It would be nice if devcon team could help with a stage and a three passes for a team.
  2. If there is any prizes from devcon that would be great (ex. t-shirts etc).

This sounds super awesome. We just need to see what is possible in the little time we have left. Unfortunately the time of the DEVCon team is really limited currently as we are in crunch time. But maybe we can get you some stage to get something going. Would you be up to organizing the content if we give you a stage?


Hi, thanks for a quick reply. Yes, I was sitting on this ideas for over a year and would love to start with something.

I guess I can organize something:

  1. At minimum, I can make a prototype of the permissionless system and give a talk about the ideas of Solidity UFC and Art of programming in solidity. This could be great to understand if public is interested in such competition and we can prepare better for next devcon.

  2. Maybe, I can manage to find some people to do some improvising solidity coding or code myself and talk with people (Solidity Art Corner).

  3. The best case scenario is to make a simple head-to-head competition. Hi, thanks for a quick reply. Yes, I was sitting on this ideas for over a year and would love to start with something.

  4. It is also good option to have a small corner where I can put some posters and just talk to people.

Hi, any good news?

I started working on mvp, I will show something at the end of the week. If there is support from devcon team I can organize a small demo competition.

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I started working on mvp, I will show something at the end of the week.

looking forward!

If there is support from devcon team I can organize a small demo competition.

please concretely define “support from the devcon team” - this information is essential for us to evaluate the proposal.

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moving the conversation here:

Great to see this moving forward!

Thank you for comments.

I merge the revisions and changed name to Ultimate Solidity Championship USC.

The official name is USC.
The unofficial name is Solidity UFC.

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