Story of Devcon

I want to produce a short documentary about Devcon.


We‘ll be interviewing people about their experience at Devcon, why they are there, the community and culture surrounding Ethereum, and how things have changed from Devcon 0 to Devcon 7 Bangkok. Besides Devcon itself, we‘ll also be talking about early presentations and promises, comparing it to where we are today.

We plan on recording footage around the venue and interviews for a few hours per day, then edit it down into a 20-30min documentary that tries to explain the culture and impact of Devcon as well as Ethereum as a whole.

The Ask

Must have:

  • 2x media pass tickets

Good to have:

  • A nice permanent recording area with plants
  • Permission to use past content such as recording & photos
  • Lighting & tripod (or smol budget to rent)

Anything unclear? How can we make this better? Interested in getting involved?
All feedback and suggestions more than welcome!


hey Peth sounds cool – do you have any examples of past similar documentaries you could share ?

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Hey, sorry for the delay!

No past examples unfortunately, this will be the second time we ever did something like that (the first currently being recorded).

Other things so far:

Tl;dr we‘ve been producing content (audio podcasts & newsletter) for 4 years, but only just getting into video production now. We‘re pretty serious about it tho pretty much made it our full time thing.