SEA Community Hub Proposal: Grants & Impact Community Hub

Please give a short description of the topic/cause for your Community Hub

The Grants & Impact Community Hub brings together many of the top research and development organizations and individuals to host a series of discussions and workshops that can help builders build more sustainable projects and help the space broadly understand the outcomes and impact of our collective work.

What will you offer to the Devcon attendees?

The motivation around this hub is that a) the vast majority of established organizations in the space feel the need to launch grant programs and b) that many early stage builders rely on grants to help them start or continue their journeys as they build new tools or products in the space. Despite that, the grant experience is often unpleasant, few programs support their grantees during the application process (and even fewer support once grants have been issued), and there is no clear definition of impact, which leads to a lack of clarity of what programs want in the long term beyond immediate growth. This combination of factors leads to inefficient capital allocation as well as user experiences that have a lot of room for improvement.

The goal of this hub would be to bring together granting organizations, researchers, and those building relevant tools to help improve the grant space. Collectively, we will be able to host a series of discussions and workshops to dive deep into and get closer to solving core problems that we face.

There are many people who will be applying to speak on the mainstage on some of these topics, so this space can serve a nice complement to the larger presentations and panels.

Add a rough outline of your Community Hubs program

A sample program could look something like the following:

  • Day 1 - Funder office hours
    • Give different grant programs and round operators office hours opportunities throughout the day
  • Day 2 - Helping grantees succeed
    • Doing a series of workshops and discussions meant to help grantees strengthen their proposals, increase their chance of success, and how thinking about outputs, outcomes, and impact will help them work more easily with grant programs
  • Day 3 - Impact, impact, impact (aka outputs, outcomes, impact)
    • Series of discussions and workshops getting into outputs/outcome/impact mapping
    • Explore some tools that can help us map impact
  • Day 4 - Sustainability beyond grants
    • Discussions and potentially some workshop delving into the type of funding channels projects can rely on at different stages of their growth (ranging from hackathons to grants to crowdfunding to formal VC investments)

List the people who will organise, oversee and be responsible for the Community Hub

The current group of Core Facilitators, those who will be planning the programming, arranging guests, and co-managing the space during the week represent orgs such as: Metagov, Grant Innovation Lab, Karma, Funding the Commons, Stellar, Blockful, Octant, Raid Guild, and the University of Malta. We are looking to have 12 core facilitators so that we have 3 people committed to covering each day + the teammates to support individual sessions each day.

When considering the teammates, those committing to running/moderating at least a single session during the 4 days, our representation includes: Impact Gardens, Open Source Observer, Fracton Ventures Research, Voice Deck DAO, and Morph. We will also be inviting top grant programs to be included in the first day, as well as many other individuals and orgs to be part of the programming over the 4 days to ensure there is a continuous series of quality conversations or small workshops.

Core Facilitators

  1. Eugene Leventhal
  2. Mahesh Murthy
  3. Feems
  4. Beth McCarthy
  5. Anke Liu
  6. Danimim
  7. Mashal Waqar
  8. Ben Biedermann
  9. Shinya Mori
  10. TBD
  11. TBD
  12. TBD


  1. LauNaMu
  2. Carl Cervone
  3. Devansh Mehta
  4. Azeem Khan
  5. James Kieran

The project at the core of organizing this hub would be Metagov, a research nonprofit that is itself a collective of researchers. The collaborators work across many different projects and we have already run multiple events (see takeaways from the Web3 Grant Summit from February and the July Grant Operator workshop) where we create no-shill spaces that are free of marketing. Metagov will work closely with the Cartography Syndicate group, another collective, to make sure that we bring together a few dozen relevant organizations and individuals to focus on improving the experience for grantees.

The Metagov team will run another Grant Operator Workshop right before DevCon, so will have many takeaways and learnings to share with the wider community of grantees. We will also invite grant operators and other relevant individuals to join specific sessions.

List the equipment or production needs (see what’s possible in the RFP)

The production would be light weight and wouldn’t require more than some whiteboards and screens, as well as whatever furniture would be available for seating for small group discussions


Hey all! Thanks for putting this together, the proposal looks pretty cool!

General Update on the Process

  • The RFP is open until the end of August.
  • Shortly after this (early first week of September), we will share which Community Hub proposals got accepted and will work with those accepted teams to fine-tune the proposals/hubs and how we can best meet their production requirements.

We’ll keep you updated, should we have any more questions!


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Thanks for the heads up @Shyam_Sridhar! We’ll keep making additions and refinements to the proposal throughout the next few weeks then. Appreciate your support in the process

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As an outsider (and a fairly frequent grant recipient), I support this proposal. It’s a very interesting subject and one that seems quite unique to this community in particular.

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this would be really helpful for ppl who’s not familiar w/ grant process to on board. The grant process is kinda overwhelming nowadays & its hard to start w/ for outsiders (like us, a small product team, its so time consuming to gather grant info & what we need for grants, writing applications/proposals, etc. etc)

Revised proposal. There are likely to be further revisions on personnel as I’m waiting for a few folks to confirm if they will be the final core facilitators so that we have 3 people dedicated to each day.

Please give a short description of the topic/cause for your Community Hub

The Grants & Impact Community Hub brings together many of the top research and development organizations and individuals to host a series of discussions and workshops that can help builders build more sustainable projects and help the space broadly understand the outcomes and impact of our collective work.

What will you offer to the Devcon attendees?

The motivation around this hub is that a) the vast majority of established organizations in the space feel the need to launch grant programs and b) that many early stage builders rely on grants to help them start or continue their journeys as they build new tools or products in the space. Despite that, the grant experience is often unpleasant, few programs support their grantees during the application process (and even fewer support once grants have been issued), and there is no clear definition of impact, which leads to a lack of clarity of what programs want in the long term beyond immediate growth. This combination of factors leads to inefficient capital allocation as well as user experiences that have a lot of room for improvement.

The goal of this hub would be to bring together granting organizations, researchers, and those building relevant tools to help improve the grant space. Collectively, we will be able to host a series of discussions and workshops to dive deep into and get closer to solving core problems that we face.

There are many people who will be applying to speak on the mainstage on some of these topics, so this space can serve a nice complement to the larger presentations and panels.

Add a rough outline of your Community Hubs program

A sample program could look something like the following:

  • Day 1 - Funder office hours
    • Give different grant programs and round operators office hours opportunities throughout the day
  • Day 2 - Helping grantees succeed
    • Doing a series of workshops and discussions meant to help grantees strengthen their proposals, increase their chance of success, and how thinking about outputs, outcomes, and impact will help them work more easily with grant programs
  • Day 3 - Impact, impact, impact (aka outputs, outcomes, impact)
    • Series of discussions and workshops getting into outputs/outcome/impact mapping
    • Explore some tools that can help us map impact
  • Day 4 - Sustainability beyond grants
    • Discussions and potentially some workshop delving into the type of funding channels projects can rely on at different stages of their growth (ranging from hackathons to grants to crowdfunding to formal VC investments)

List the people who will organise, oversee and be responsible for the Community Hub

The current group of Core Facilitators, those who will be planning the programming, arranging guests, and co-managing the space during the week represent different orgs orgs across the space. We are looking to have 12 core facilitators so that we have 3 people committed to covering each day + the teammates to support individual sessions each day.

We will also be inviting top grant programs to be included in the first day, as well as many other individuals and orgs to be part of the programming over the 4 days to ensure there is a continuous series of quality conversations or small workshops.

Core Facilitators

  1. Eugene Leventhal
  2. Mahesh Murthy
  3. Feems
  4. Beth McCarthy
  5. Anke Liu
  6. Danimim
  7. Mashal Waqar
  8. Ben Biedermann
  9. Shinya Mori
  10. TBD
  11. TBD
  12. TBD


  1. LauNaMu
  2. Carl Cervone
  3. Devansh Mehta
  4. Azeem Khan
  5. James Kieran

The project at the core of organizing this hub would be Metagov, a research nonprofit that is itself a collective of researchers. The collaborators work across many different projects and we have already run multiple events (see takeaways from the Web3 Grant Summit from February and the July Grant Operator workshop) where we create no-shill spaces that are free of marketing. Metagov will work closely with the Cartography Syndicate group, another collective, to make sure that we bring together a few dozen relevant organizations and individuals to focus on improving the experience for grantees.

The Metagov team will run another Grant Operator Workshop right before DevCon, so will have many takeaways and learnings to share with the wider community of grantees. We will also invite grant operators and other relevant individuals to join specific sessions.

List the equipment or production needs (see what’s possible in the RFP)

The production would be light weight and wouldn’t require more than some whiteboards and screens, as well as whatever furniture would be available for seating for small group discussions

Hi! We have received and acknowledged the updated version of the proposal.

Thank you so much for your patience as we review all the community hub proposals. A quick update: We have extended the deadline to submit a community hub application by one week, to the 7th of September 2024 (AoE time). You can now expect to hear from us about the outcome of your proposal by mid-September.

Thank you again! In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

Hi there,

Thank you again for putting together this proposal!

We’re excited to let you know that your proposal has been selected as a Community Hub for this year’s Devcon!

What’s next?

  1. Submit a DIP: To confirm your commitment, please submit a DIP in our DIP repository. This helps us track all community initiatives, and your Hub will be featured in the DIPs section of the Devcon website. Please tag proposal with ‘Community Hub’. Here’s an example from last year.
  2. Production details: We’ll collaborate with our production team to prepare a manual covering all the logistics for your space. Expect it within the next week or two.
  3. Program planning: We’ll work with you to refine your program and offer feedback to help create an amazing experience for Devcon attendees.
  4. Communication channels: We’ll set up the necessary channels to stay in touch from now until the end of Devcon.

Thank you again for your initiative—we can’t wait to see your Community Hub come to life at Devcon SEA!

Best Regards,

Shyam & The Devcon Team

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Thanks Shyam and the Devcon crew!

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