RFP - CRYPTOMURALS - Street art as public good & Scan2Earn unlockable content (Street art hunting challenge)

Cryptomurals - Street art as public good & Scan2Earn unlockable content (Street art hunting challenge)
IG | TW @cryptomurals


Cryptomurals aims to keep the record of the best murals worldwide that has been painted on the same wall/spot to enable everyone who visits the location to see the archive of the past murals, in that way we aim to preserve street art as a public cultural heritage hosted directly on the Ethereum blockchain, we call it “the wallchain” !

We are glad to have the opportunity to launch our first cryptomurals in Bogotá during Devcon VI as this is a project that has its roots in Colombia and the community of local street artists has been close to the project during 2022 encouraging them to enter into the web3 space.

For DEVCON VI we will be able to create three experiences:
One before the event, starting on September to create awareness towards the local community through street art, showing the Ethos as community principles in a Colombian way, showing our biodiversity & folklore mixed into a solarpunk tropical vision.

This will be a street art hunting challenge where citizens will need to reach at least 4 murals to claim the free NFT with the colombian etherean map that will allow them access to something special that we will define depending on the sponsors.

The second proposal will have place during the Devcon week and it will be focused to showcase street art as a public good, in partnership with local street art guides we will create 1 or 2 tours per day to help those that are new in Bogotá to reach the four spots and gain the NFT in a safety way while discovering the city during day or night city trips.

We will close these amazing challenge at the Schelling Point Gitcoin venue where people will be able to claim an exclusive price.

The third one will be focused on the Devcon playground at the main venue where we want people to learn the basics of graffiti painting and explore a VR painting with the typical Colombian chiva bus to create their own chiva NFT.


Create awareness on the local community before Devcon & Scan2Earn street art hunting challenge.

We have 4 of the best artists on the Cryptomurals crew ready to paint 4 murals in 4 different spots of Bogotá.

To encourage the “streetart hunting” challenge, we will create a composable NFT with the form of the colombian map containing a puzzle with the 4 murals, every time people find each part they will gain X points and will be invited to find the next mural.

Those who complete the challenge will gain an NFT with superpowers connecting their cryptowallet, for instance to claim swags or to enter the exclusive Schelling Point event during DEVCON VI.

  • We will be able to propose safe street art hunting tours experiences during the Devcon week to the attendees of the venue to encourage them to participate & discover the city.


Street art as public good + Scan2Earn Street art hunting challenge tours in english.

As add-on to the Street art hunting experience we want to show up at the Schelling Point party where the composable cryptomural NFT will be represented as a limited version silk screen printed.

The first to arrive at the venue with the NFT will be able to claim the limited silkscreen printing, the participants arriving after will be able to claim special swags and will have the chance to meet some of the Cryptomural artists.

As a plus we can do video-projection of the process of the Cryptomurals on the stage or in some place of the Schelling Point venue to show the artists in action.


Street art workshop for Devcon Playground

  • Live street art workshop to learn the basics with one of the CM artists.
  • “Pimp your Chiva” VR experience - Virtual painting to personalize a chiva bus and claim it as an NFT.



Update 0_ We’re glad to announce that our friends from https://www.capitalgraffititours.com/ will be hosting the Graffiti tours for those who wants to reach their NFT and discover Bogotá with us !

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Hi @ng-rgb

Thank you for your proposals, they sound amazing! :sparkles:
We are definitely interested in the options you pointed out, but we need to coordinate first and see how we can make them possible.

Proposal #1:
Love this proposal. We are already working on coordinating organized graffiti tours. So we let you know once we know more. Do you already have spots in mind for the 4 murals? Probably makes sense to place them close to other graffiti that can be visited with the tours?

Proposal #2:
We cannot promise anything for Schelling Point because this is a separate event organized by a different team. But we can connect. :slight_smile:

Proposal #3:
That sounds pretty cool. Would you be able to create an entire VR experience? Would love to hear more about this and what kind of experience you have in mind. But we already have to say that we have serious space limitations and it might be hard to accommodate it.


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Hi @Rose !
Thanks so much to all the team for the support :love_you_gesture:
I’m sure we will get into an amazing urban experience for the community !

For Proposal #1_
That’s great there is already a graffiti tour for the attendees. - If possible connect me with the person in charge to know their itinerary and see how we can join forces.

As the spots are pretty difficult to catch, we are looking for spots that fits on an existing tour form our partners Capital Graffiti who are also helping us to concrete the spots around Teusaquillo and La Candelaria neighbourhoods. So maybe we can share the 2 itineraries !

For Proposal #2_
Glad to connect with them & see if there is a match :space_invader:

For proposal #3_
For the VR experience it exist already a software for Oculus to do this kind of digital painting, We will need just to customize some features and then chose some patterns.
In terms of physical space, we will need a minimum of 2.5m X 2.5m space for one or 2 chairs and 1 TV screen to offer a proper experience.

We think we can make this experience inside of the real Chiva Bus proposed by the Eth Eje Cafetero community, in that way we can share this space and it will have a lot of sense and could be very inspiring to encourages people to do their own digital version. :rainbow:
_ Thinking on an alternative if non of the above alternatives are possible, we can create a QR code to show on the screen of the stage between the conferences with a link to a webapp where people can personalize the chiva and then minted directly and send it to their Eth wallets. :zap:

I hope I’ve clarify all your questions, if not we will be happy to discuss further to go on details if needed.
Here is our e-mail : cryptomurals@gmail.com


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Hi @ng-rgb

Have you already connected with the Chiva team for your idea about the VR Chiva painting?

Here the link to the discussion:

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Hi dear,
Yes ! They will let us a space of 2.5m x 2.5m inside of the Chiva bus to setup the VR experience and we will use one of the screens they will lend for the NFT exhibition to showcase what the person is doing on the VR environment.

We need to confirm the budget with you guys, we will send it by friday.

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cool! happy to hear it works out with the chiva bus

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Hello @Rose ,
We sent you the Scan2Earn budget by e-mail. Could you please let me know if you received and if so can we have a call ?

Also, you told me there is another initiative of a graffiti tour, could you put me in contact with them ?

Thanks !

Hi @ng-rgb
Which email address did you send it to?

@Natalia_Madrid from our team is looking into graffiti tours. Maybe she wants to share her progress here. Otherwise, I will ask her and let you know if there’s any news!

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Thank you @Rose all is good then :palm_tree:
I’m in contact with @Natalia_Madrid

ok this is great! :slight_smile:

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Update 1_Ecxiting news ! @Rose
We’re glad to announce that our friends from DoinGud are joining the Cryptomurals crew for the Scan2Earn experience and for the minting of the VR Chiva bus NFTs with their amazing team of developers :partying_face:
WAGMI :unicorn:

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Cool! Looks like a great project.
How’s the communication with Natalia regarding the street art tours?

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Didn’t talk about this specific topic again but I’ll do it !
Thanks @Rose !

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Hello @Rose
We’ve decided to do only the Street Art Hunting experience. Proposal #1.

Could you please guide us to create a new updated proposal in order to add my partner Joanna as leader of the implementation of this DIP ?

Thanks !

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Hello everyone, happy to join the conversation. I’m in charge of the user flow and project management for the NFT experience during the street art hunting.

Our value proposition was to create a street art tour with custom artwork made by local artists around the Solarpunk vision and Colombian culture. These local artists are already working on those custom-made street-art works thanks to the financial support of the ETH Colombia community.

I’m currently looking for collaborators for the technical aspects of the NFT scavenger hunt dApp. After research, we found out that to create a sustainable decentralised NFT experience we will require some developments to continue with our first approach.

This first approach had 3 NFT mintings that will allow participants to unlock a commemorative NFT for Devcon VI.

We will update this DIP with the actual approach. @Rose @Natalia_Madrid


Hi @ng-rgb and @csjoanna

Ok got it!
You did not submit a formal DIP on Github yet anyways, right?
Did you talk with Natalia about the Street Art tour?

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And hi @csjoanna :wave:
Nice to meet you and great you are joining this project:)
Looking forward to learn more about the art and artists.

To submit the formal DIP on Github, please have a look here

You can check the DIP format and checklist to see what needs to be included. With the submission on Github itself, @ligi for sure will be able to answer your questions :slight_smile:


yes - happy to answer questions if there are any

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