[Closed] RFP - 8: Devcon SEA Community Hubs


Following the positive feedback form Devcon Bogota, we are reintroducing Community Hubs at Devcon SEA in Bangkok! Community Hubs are physical spaces in the Devcon venue, that offer discussions, and activations around a specific Ethereum topic. They are (to some extent) independently organized by groups in the community who have expertise around that topic. Community Hubs should be driven by a community rather than a specific project or single company within the space.


Community Hubs are dedicated spaces that select communities and initiatives can, to a certain degree, shape on their own. This is an effort to make Devcon more decentralised by strengthening the influence the broader community has on participants’ experiences at the conference.

They can be envisioned as informational booths that enhance the conference program by providing a space for attendees to drop by, ask questions, and learn about new aspects of Ethereum. Most importantly, please note that these spaces must not promote any single project or initiative; they must be purely educational.

Some activities that can be conducted in Community Hubs include (this is not a comprehensive list, feel free to really get creative here):

  • Holding office hours
  • Hosting discussion roundtables
  • Presenting informational and interactive learning materials

Given below, are the community hubs that were featured in Devcon 6, for you to gain some inspiration from:

The above ideas are for inspiration and reference, but we welcome new and novel communities and ideas to apply as well.


All of the Community Hubs must follow the Community Hub guidelines:

  • Community Hubs should be driven by a community rather than a specific project or single company within the space.
  • Marketing-free (complementary to what happens in the supporters area!), no shilling of specific tokens or projects.
  • No bull shit.
  • Tech-focused, community-focused.
  • Must offer a benefit for the audience and should be accessible 100% to all Devcon audience.
  • Dedicated to and centred around one specific cause or topic.
  • Must be overseen by the Community Hub organisers for the main opening hours of the conference (Nov 12-15, roughly 9AM - 5PM).


There will be roughly 6 areas available, depending on the space needs and size of the accepted initiatives. Each accepted facilitator, and organiser can receive up to 10 free Devcon 7 tickets.

Community Hub Organizers can request the following from the Devcon team for their booths:

  • Limited amount of chairs or sitting furniture
  • Power outlets
  • Whiteboards
  • Possibly Desks
  • TV-Screen

Beyond these items, community organisers are free to freely customise the space as they see fit. However please note, Community Hubs should complement the program that is happening on the stages, and there will be no stages or microphones in these areas.

Get Involved

Submit a proposal

If you want to apply for a community space, open a discussion that details it specifically in the Community Hub category of this forum. The proposal will need to be in compliance with our Code of Conduct, and additional include the following:

  • Description of what your Community Hub is going to be centered on.
  • Clear specification of what it will offer to the Devcon attendees; and how you will make best use of the space.
  • Sample programme planned for the operating hours of the Community Hub. This does not need to be the final one, but a first draft which can be used as a basis to begin discussions.
  • List of dedicated people that will organise and be fully responsible for the Community Hub.
  • Specific items that your community hub needs from the Devcon organizers.

You can use this template to craft your Community Hub Proposal.

Join the Discussion

Even if you don’t have a specific idea to present, we highly encourage everyone to participate in discussions by sharing their thoughts and feedback on the submitted proposals, as well as on the overall concept and execution of Community Hubs. To start, feel free to comment on this post and any subsequent discussion posts, but do be very mindful of our code of conduct!

Updates as of Thursday, 1st August 2024

RFP Process and Deadlines

  • The RFP is open until the end of August.
  • Shortly after this (early first week of September), we will share which Community Hub proposals got accepted and will work with those accepted teams to fine-tune the proposals/hubs and how we can best meet their production requirements

Creative Concept

Here is a theoretical rendering of a (i) a community Hub, and (ii) a cluster of 3 Community Hubs. Note that, this is subject to change but can be used as a reference to visualize how Community Hubs are intended to look. The space will be around 32 sq m with about 20-25 chairs for people to sit and chat in the hub.


Summary of Proposal

The Web3 Security Community Hub is a collaborative platform for security researchers to share knowledge, participate in competitions, and explore job opportunities. Over four days, attendees will engage in panels, workshops, and a high-stakes hacking competition to enhance the security of Web3 protocols.

Motivation and Rationale

Enhancing Attendee Experience:

The Web3 Security Community Hub offers a unique, interactive experience for attendees to engage deeply with Web3 security. It provides hands-on opportunities to learn from experts, participate in real-world hacking competitions, and network with peers and industry leaders. This hub creates a focused environment for learning, collaboration, and professional growth.

Complementing the Main Programme at Devcon:

While Devcon covers a broad range of topics, the Web3 Security Community Hub zeroes in on the critical area of Web3 security. This specialized focus complements the main programme by providing an in-depth exploration of security challenges and solutions, which are essential for the growth and trustworthiness of Web3 technologies.

Significance of the Topic:

Web3 security is crucial as the adoption of decentralized technologies grows. Security breaches can have devastating impacts, making robust security measures imperative. The community hub format fosters a collaborative atmosphere where researchers can dive deep into security issues, share insights, and develop innovative solutions. This hands-on, community-driven approach is more effective than a traditional talk or workshop.


A big hall with 30 or 40 tables. Each table should fit 4 hackers


Akhil - Founder of Defenders Den

Defenders Den: Web3 security community

Alex - Founder of Opensense

Opensense: Web3 security community

if you accept our idea, i will contact auditing platform team. if auditing platform team accepts, Then from auditing platform team - any one of them will be present

If possible, the protocol’s team

PLAN (Down Below):

Day 1:

Morning to Afternoon:

Introduction to the Community Hub:

  1. Discuss the importance of Web3 security.

  2. Announce an auditing competition.

Panel Talk: What is the Current State of Web3 Security? (30 min or 1 hr)

Topic: What is the current state of Web3 security? [Questions like down below]

  1. Job and internship opportunities, salaries?

  2. Evaluating current auditing and bug bounty platforms?

  3. Alternative methods to secure Web3 protocols?

  4. How does Operations of SEAL organization work?

  5. Recommended newsletters for Web3 updates?

  6. Best tools for bug detection?

  7. What are the security challenges in Layer 2 solutions?

  8. How to prevent reentrancy attacks in smart contracts(best method)?

  9. The role of oracle services in Web3 security?

  10. Security implications of composability in DeFi protocols?

  11. Strategies to mitigate flash loan attacks?

  12. Best practices for securing DAOs?

  13. Balancing transparency and security in Web3 projects?

  14. Concerns of quantum resistance in blockchain networks?

Final Q/A

Workshop 1: (40 min)

Explanation of the four largest hacks in Web3: How they happened (e.g., Reentrancy, DoS…)

Workshop 2: (30 min)

How to write the best bug report.

—— Lunch Break ——

Afternoon to Evening:

Welcome Session:

  1. Introduction to Curve Finance.

  2. Curve Finance code walkthrough.

  3. Providing documentation and details related to Curve Finance.


  1. Announce preparation for the next three days of competition.

Remaining Time: Explore the event

Days 2, 3, and 4: [Example: Curve Finance]

Curve Finance Competition:

  • Security researchers from around the world will compete to find bugs in the Curve Finance protocol.

  • $1.5 million prize pool hosted by auditing platform.

  • Auditing platform and possibly Curve Finance teams will be present to assist.

This structured, intensive format provides an unparalleled opportunity for security researchers to demonstrate their skills, learn from peers, and contribute to the security of one of the most important aspects of the Web3 ecosystem.

Thank you for opening CFP for Community Hubs! I re-submitted the previously proposed Hub (Adoption Hub at Devcon 7) in the new correct category - Adoption Hub at Devcon SEA.

I don’t have permission to delete the old topic though. Do we need to delete it or shall we leave it there for a record?

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Hi @akhilmanga,

Thanks a lot for putting this together! Web3 Security is super important, and it’d be awesome to get more attention on it at Devcon. Just a few notes:

  • The proposal currently seems to target a large audience of about 100-120 people. Community Hubs, however, are intended to be small, intimate spaces for discussions on specific topics. The space will be around 32 sq m with about 20-25 chairs for people to sit and chat in the hub.
  • Community Hubs are meant to complement the main program happening on the stages, and there will be no stages or microphones in these areas. There’s a Security Track at Devcon for talks, workshops, and lightning talks (more info on the programming landing page). It’d be great if the proposal could show how the agenda for the hub will complement the Security Track and offer unique experiences that the talks alone can’t provide.
  • Once you’ve updated the proposal with these points in mind, feel free to post it on the Community Hubs discussion category on the Devcon Forum.


Summary of Proposal

The Web3 Security Community Hub is a collaborative platform for security researchers to share knowledge, participate in competitions, and explore job opportunities. Over four days, attendees will engage in panels, workshops, and a high-stakes hacking competition to enhance the security of Web3 protocols.
Motivation and Rationale

Enhancing Attendee Experience:

The Web3 Security Community Hub offers a unique, interactive experience for attendees to engage deeply with Web3 security. It provides hands-on opportunities to learn from experts, participate in real-world hacking competitions, and network with peers and industry leaders. This hub creates a focused environment for learning, collaboration, and professional growth.

Complementing the Main Programme at Devcon:

While Devcon covers a broad range of topics, the Web3 Security Community Hub zeroes in on the critical area of Web3 security. This specialized focus complements the main programme by providing an in-depth exploration of security challenges and solutions, which are essential for the growth and trustworthiness of Web3 technologies.

Significance of the Topic:

Web3 security is crucial as the adoption of decentralized technologies grows. Security breaches can have devastating impacts, making robust security measures imperative. The community hub format fosters a collaborative atmosphere where researchers can dive deep into security issues, share insights, and develop innovative solutions. This hands-on, community-driven approach is more effective than a traditional talk or workshop.


The space with 32 sq m with about 20-25 chairs for people to sit.


Akhil - Founder of Defenders Den

Defenders Den: Web3 security community

Alex - Founder of Opensense

Opensense: Web3 security community

if you accept our idea, i will contact auditing platform team. if auditing platform team accepts, Then from auditing platform team - any one of them will be present

If possible, the protocol’s team

PLAN (Down Below):

Day 1:

Morning to Afternoon:

We will make 5 teams within 20 people. Each team contains 4 people.

Discussion within a team on below topics:

  1. Explanation of the four largest hacks in Web3: How they happened (e.g., Reentrancy, DoS…)

  2. How to write the best bug report.

—— Lunch Break ——

Afternoon to Evening: [example: curve finance auditing competition]

Welcome Session:

  1. Introduction to Curve Finance.

  2. Curve Finance code walkthrough.

  3. Providing documentation and details related to Curve Finance.


  1. Announce preparation for the next three days of competition.

Remaining Time: Explore the event

Days 2, 3, and 4: [example: curve finance auditing competition]

Curve Finance Competition:

  • Security researchers from around the world will compete to find bugs in the Curve Finance protocol. [we will announce and we will provide apply link, so that we can select 20 - 25 security researchers in auditing competition]

  • $1.5 million prize pool hosted by auditing platform.

  • Auditing platform team and possibly Curve Finance teams will be present to assist.

This structured, intensive format provides an unparalleled opportunity for security researchers to demonstrate their skills, learn from peers, and contribute to the security of one of the most important aspects of the Web3 ecosystem. @Shyam_Sridhar

Thank you for this @akhilmanga! Would it be possible for you to move it as a post on the Community Hubs discussion category, instead of as a comment to this RFP. Just so that it does not get lost.

if we announce about this auditing competition in the socials. Security researchers will apply, so that we can select 20 people. And selected people will buy DEVCON tickets.


Gather security people within in the event for auditing competition and for security community hub.


Hello, We would like to align our ETH Torch proposal with the Community Hub for Latam. Last year we proposed taking a typical bus from Colombia to Devcon 6 and this ended up becoming the Community Hub for Latam, the original proposal was to have a space that would allow communities to unite and finally we did that. Now we want to bring something symbolic from Colombia as the previous headquarters of Devcon, that represents the construction of chains that transcend the blockchain (Olympic Torch) and around this symbol generate a space to continue uniting communities.

We invite everyone who resonates with our idea to leave a comment on the proposal.

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GM everyone! We’re 4 communities joining to present a proposal together but we have some concerns about the guidelines. When it mentions “Marketing-free” that means we cannot have stickers, shirts, banners, etc with the logos of the communities that will be working on the hub?

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Thanks for your question, @Ayison!

We can allow marketing for communities, but they should be strictly non-profit, with a preference for those that are educational.